Cabin Fever Ride

Winters in Wisconsin SUCK. It’s cold, there’s salt brine on the roads, snow and mush, did we mention salt brine on the roads? Most of our 4×4’s stay tucked away for the winter to keep them from that thing known as corrosion eating them alive. Cabin Fever was hitting so we put together a ride to pull our rigs out of winter hibernation for the day.

We hit up several Rustic Roads and Scenic Byways through La Crosse, West Salem, Trempealeau. Up and down the bluffs we went including through the famous Mindoro Cut. Our final stop was at Big Boar in West Salem for some fine BBQ and eating. As our first event of 2024, we can’t complain.

Head over to Driftless Off-Road 4×4 on YouTube for a video of the trip.